Les micro-aventures du Géoparc Beaujolais vous guident au cœur de grands espaces et à la rencontre de producteurs locaux. Lors de cet itinéraire, le circuit des trésors cachés invite à la découverte des joyaux d’architecture de Villefranche-sur-Saône.
Beyond their architectural beauty, the courtyardand houses of the Renaissance also showcase the geological resources of the Beaujolais region and further afield. The iconic "pierre dorée" (golden stone) was of course one of the key building materials, and it was used in a range of different situations because it was easy to cut (breeze blocks, columns, lintels). It is not rare to see seashell fossils encrusted into the grey stone, often used in the form of slabs (porch, steps), corresponding to limestone banks. The white stone of Lucenay can for example be seen on the Gothic-style facade of the Collegiate church of Notre-Dame des Marais, among others. This fine-grained stone produces elegant
results that are often seen in courtyards and on the walls of houses.
Die Mikroabenteuer des Geoparks Beaujolais führen Sie durch weite Landschaften und zu lokalen Produzenten. Auf dieser Route lädt der Rundgang der verborgenen Schätze dazu ein, die architektonischen Juwelen von Villefranche-sur-Saône zu entdecken.
De micro-avonturen van het Geopark Beaujolais leiden u door het hart van het platteland en naar ontmoetingen met lokale producenten. Tijdens deze route nodigt de rondleiding verborgen schatten u uit om de architectonische juweeltjes van Villefranche-sur-Saône te ontdekken.
Las microaventuras del Geoparque del Beaujolais le guiarán por el corazón del campo y al encuentro de los productores locales. Durante este itinerario, el tour de los tesoros escondidos le invita a descubrir las joyas arquitectónicas de Villefranche-sur-Saône.
Le microavventure del Beaujolais Geopark vi guidano nel cuore della campagna e nell'incontro con i produttori locali. Durante questo itinerario, il tour dei tesori nascosti vi invita a scoprire i gioielli architettonici di Villefranche-sur-Saône.